Upsilon-ERP Documentation Revision #2

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The Upsilon-ERP documentation has been further updated.

As well as corrections and amendments the second revision to the documentation also includes information detailing the integration between Upsilon and the Luckins Distributors Database.


Currently the Luckins Distributors Database holds over 750000 products from over 1000 suppliers and provides comprehensive, accurate and up to date product and pricing data.

The Luckins database is now fully integrated into Upsilon-ERP and will be supported from day one at product launch. The Upsilon-ERP Luckins module includes support for Create, Revision and Special Processing with Luckins data files being downloaded (via FTP) direct from Luckins; This functionality ensures that your Luckins data is always correct and up to date.

Additionally, there are options to search the database via the Luckins recommended Commodity Code and Product Range Enquiry methods so that finding the information that you require is never more than a few keystrokes away.

Further information regarding the integration between Upsilon-ERP and Luckins will be made available at product launch.


The documentation can be accessed using the following URL’s:

Upsilon-ERP (Web Help)
Upsilon-ERP Manual (PDF)


If you require further information then please get in touch with me via the site contact page.