This page details my Lego Concorde build. The Lego Concorde kit arrived on 12th September 2023 and took two days to complete between 16/09/2023 and 17/09/2023. The Lego item number is 10318 and the kit consists of 2083 pieces. For details of the other Lego kits that I have completed so far see the main Lego Collection page of this website.
Build Details
To kick things off I need to mention that the finished model is big! Really BIG! It’s over a metre long so you need to make sure that you have somewhere in mind to display it.
For the most part the build was a fairly straight forward and the documentation in the included booklet sets out the build process in a clear and ordered manner. There were a couple of moments of panic when I was certain that I was missing one or more pieces but somehow these always seem to turn up. I also encountered some slight confusion when I mistakenly opened bag number 9 (upside down) instead of bag number six, but these types of mishaps are to be expected with kits of this size.
Overall, the build process was an awful lot of fun and the finished model really is superb! A couple of details of this kit that I really liked are the fact that the undercarriage can be raised and lowered by twisting the tail of the Concorde model and the nose can also be lowered to the landing position just like the real Concorde.
Of the four Lego kits that I have completed so far, I think that this has been the most enjoyable of them all to build.
Lego URL | Lego ID | Pieces | Completed |
Lego Concorde | 10318 | 2083 | 17/09/2023 |